Introducing Oneself and Others (Personal Information)

Hasil gambar untuk materi introducing oneself and others

Hasil gambar untuk materi introducing oneself and others

Introducing oneself and others

KIta semua pasti pernah berada di dalam lingkungan yang belum pernah kita kenal sebelumnya. contohnya ketika berada di sekolah baru, kelas baru, lingkungan komplek atau tetangga yang baru maupun lingkungan kerja yang baru. Di dalam situasi itu tentunya kita harus bersosialisasi dengan orang lain yang berada di sekitar kita yang mana belum kita kenal sebelumnya. Pastilah dalam membuka sebuah relasi atau hubungan dengan orang lain yang belum kita kenal kita harus memperkenalkan diri sendiri terlebih dahulu agar proses komunikasi bisa terjalin satu sama lain dan tentunya akan dapat mengenal orang-orang baru di sekitar kita. Apa yang biasanya kita lakukan jika menemui orang yang belum pernah kita kenal sebelumnya? Apa yang  harusnya kita ucapkan jika ingin berkenalan dengan orang-orang yang baru di lingkungan kita? Nah berikut ini ada contoh dari ungkapan-ungkapan perkenalan diri dalam bahasa inggris

Introducing Oneself
  • My name is Abyan.
  • My full name is Abyan Rayyan Izharulhaq.
  • My nick name is Byan.
  • Hi, I am Athar.
  • Hello, my name is Athar Rafif Izharulhaq.
  • Good morning. My name is Athar.
  • May I introduce myself? My name is Athar.
  • Let me introduce myself. My name is Athar.
  • First of all, I would like to introduce myself. My full name is Athar Rafif Izharulhaq.
  • How do you do? My name is Athar.

  • Hi, I'm Hafizh.. Glad to meet you. 
  • Hello, My name is Hasti. Pleased to meet you.
  • Good morning. I am Hasti. How do you do?. 
  • How do you do? My name is Hasti. Nice to meet you. 

Introducing Others
  • Do you know Hafizh?
  • Have you met Hasti?
  • This is my friend,Ghani.
  • Ika, this is Okki, my friend. 
  • May I introduce my friend, Mrs. Suryani? 
  • Please allow me to introduce our new English teacher.
  • Let me introduce you to Mrs. Lina our new Math teacher.  Mrs. Lina. this is Mr. Lutfi from SMP 5.

  • No, I don't think so. 
  • No, I haven't. 
  • Hi, glad to meet you. I am Okki. 
  • Hello, Okki. Pleased to meet you. 
  • I am glad to know you.
  • It is nice to see you
  • How do you do? 
  • How do you do? It is very nice to meet you.

Hasil gambar untuk materi introducing oneself and others

Hasil gambar untuk materi introducing oneself and others

Contoh Teks Introducing Oneself

Hasil gambar untuk materi introducing oneself and others
Good morning all, allow me to introduce myself in. My name is Faiz Rizqi Aji. I was born in Bandung on 26 July 2007. I now live in Jakarta. Right now I am staying at my aunt’s house. Now allow me to introduce myself further. I like things that smell of adventurous, and small things like reading, watching, and spent my free time by doing nothing. Okay now about me and my family,  I am the first child in my family. I have a little sister, and she is a high school student. My father is a Police which is  named Endang Kurnia. While my mother is a housewife.I love my family more than anything. Well that’s my introduction this time. Pleased to meet you.

Contoh Dialog Introducing Oneself

Kartika : Excuse me. I don’t think we have met, I’m Kartika. 

Okki     : Hello. I’m Okki. I am your new neighbor. 

Kartika : Oh really?. You move to the house next to me, aren't you? 

Okki      : Yes it is. Please come to my house this afternoon. I baked some cookies. 

Kartika : Sure! Thanks. Nice to know you Okki. 

Okki : Nice to know you too Kartika. 

Contoh Dialog Introducing Others

Reni : That’s Didit. Do you know him? 

Rita : No, I don’t. 

Reni : Hello, Dodit. How are you? 

Dodit : Hello, Reni. I'm fine thanks. 

Reni : Dodit, this is my friend, Rita Aprianti. 

Dodit : Hello Rita. Pleased to meet you. 

Rita : Hi Dodit, pleased to meet you, too. 

Jika kita sudah mempelajari semua materi tentang memperkenalkan diri dalam bahasa inggris, ada baiknya kita untuk melatih kemampuan kita dengan soal latihan.

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